Stay Home with Your Kids Day
the third Monday in August (since 1996)
Founded by
Family & Friends
Stay Home With Your Kids Day was started by the magazine Work-At-Home Moms. The day is dedicated to those parents who stay home to raise their children, and who many times work from home at the same time.
How to Observe Stay Home with Your Kids Day
The best way to celebrate the day is to spend it staying home with your children. If you are a parent who works away from home and staying home is something you usually don't do, this day gives you the opportunity and excuse to do so. There are "bring your child to work days", so why not have a "stay home with your kids day"? If you have been thinking of becoming a work-at-home or stay-at-home parent, this day gives you the ability to have a day at home to get a feel what it is like. If you already are a stay-at-home parent, this day is to celebrate all the special moments you share with your children. You could also check out some tips and ideas at the Work-At-Home Moms website about working from home.