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Image for National Steak au Poivre Day

National Steak au Poivre Day

Steak au poivre, a French dish that translates to "pepper steak," is prepared and enjoyed today on National Steak au Poivre Day! Steak au poivre is usually made with filet mignon but can be made with other parts of the tenderloin or with loin strip steaks. Before being cooked, the steak is coated with coarsely cracked peppercorns, which form a crust. The steak is then seared, usually in butter and oil, with the inside only being cooked to rare or medium rare. After searing, the steak is set aside to rest, giving time for the juices to infuse it with flavor. Steak au poivre is topped with a pan peppercorn sauce made with the butter and peppercorn mixture the steak was seared in, heavy cream, reduced cognac, and often shallots and Dijon mustard. Steak au poivre is commonly served with pommes frites or mashed potatoes. The dish is served at French restaurants, but can also easily be made at home.

How to Observe National Steak au Poivre Day

Enjoy steak au poivre today! Have it at a French restaurant or prepare your own. Some French restaurants offer specials on the dish today, so keep an eye out for them!

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