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Old Stuff Day

There are a few reasons why Old Stuff Day may be celebrated. One reason for the day relates to the phrase "the same old stuff," a response often given when people ask, "What's new?" When celebrated for this reason, it is meant to be a day when new things are tried and new adventures taken, so that the answer of "the same old stuff" does not need to be given again. The day may also be a time to appreciate all things old, antique, and vintage. For an item to be considered an antique, it must be at least 100 years old; for an item to be considered vintage in must be at least 30 years old. It may be a day of buying old things or learning about old things. Still another reason for the day is quite the opposite of this. It may be a day to get rid of old things that overclutter our lives.

How to Observe Old Stuff Day

Celebrate the day in one of these ways:

  • Try new hobbies, start a new project, or get involved in something in your community that you haven't done before. Make sure you are doing something that will give you plenty to talk about if someone asks you "What's new?"
  • Go to a flea market, vintage or antique store, resale shop, or rummage sale, and purchase some old stuff. You could also visit a museum to learn about some old stuff.
  • Get rid of old stuff. Clean out your house, attic, and garage, and get rid of the things that are no longer needed.

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