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National Parchment Day

Parchment paper may first have been made from animals and used for writing, but for the past few centuries, it has also been made from plant-derived cellulose and used for cooking, going by names such as culinary parchment, kitchen parchment, baking paper, and bakery paper. PaperChef, a parchment paper company, founded National Parchment Day in honor of this type of paper.

Parchment is versatile but is perhaps best known for use in moist-heat cooking, where food is wrapped in it and baked. In France, where parchment has long been a part of traditional cooking, this is known as cooking en papillote. Moist-heat cooking makes food tender and moist. Whatever is included with the meat and vegetables, such as spices, herbs, or aromatics like ginger and garlic, will infuse them with flavor. This being the case, sprays and oils are not needed, and the nutritiousness of food is increased. Another way that parchment makes food more nutritious is by helping to preserve nutrients in it. Parchment also simplifies preparation and cleanup. Since it is made with cellulose, it is disposable, compostable, and environmentally friendly.

How to Observe National Parchment Day

Celebrate by making something to eat with parchment paper. Share what you make on social media with the hashtag #NationalParchmentDay. You could even use some parchment from PaperChef, the founders of the day.

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