Please Take My Children to Work Day
the last Monday in June (since 2003)
Founded by
Jen Singer in 2003
School & Education
Work & Career
First celebrated in 2003, Please Take My Children to Work Day was created for part-time and full-time stay-at-home moms, by Jen Singer of MommaSaid.net. Tired and overworked, sometimes laboring 100 hours a week, stay-at-home moms rarely get a day away from their routines. Worse yet, many people perceive them as not working at all, as they don't get paid for what they do. Singer created the tongue-in-cheek-named day in part to change that perception. She did not want the day to be offensive to working mothers, but she thought there already was a consensus that they worked hard and didn't think the same belief was attached to stay-at-home mothers.
She thought that if such a day existed, it would give stay-at-home moms a way to explain why a day off was necessary. Stay-at-home moms are to take part or all of the day off—it is most fitting if they take off eight hours, as that is the standard workday length. They are to get away from their routine and do things more suited for adults than they usually do, while friends or family take care of their children. Although not the holiday's original intent, the day can be for stay-at-home dads as well.
How to Observe Please Take My Children to Work Day
If you are a stay-at-home mom, ask friends or family members to take care of your children today. Maybe they can even take them to work, just as the days' title says. If need be, you could also hire a babysitter to watch your children. You should then spend the day relaxing and rejuvenating while doing adult-related things. Don't watch kids movies or eat kids food. Spend your time with grownups, watch a film for grownups, or read adult-oriented books.
If you aren't a stay-at-home mom but know one, volunteer to babysit for their kids today, so they are able to celebrate the holiday. Or, perhaps they already have someone to watch their kids, and you don't have to work today yourself, so you can spend the day with them. Make sure to do things that make it feel like a real vacation day, and don't do anything related to children.