International Day for Street Children
Also known as
Street Children Day
annually on April 12th (since 2011)
Founded by
Awareness & Advocacy
Children, especially street children, are often denied the rights they are entitled to. International Day for Street Children, which was created by the Consortium for Street Children (CSC) and first held in 2011, aims to remedy this. According to the CSC, four steps must be carried out. First, there must be a commitment to equality. Street children must be recognized to have the same rights as everyone else and this must be reflected in the law.
Second, every child must be protected. Street children must be protected from violence and abuse and have access to justice when they are harmed. Third, every child needs access to the same essential services, like schools and hospitals, so they can reach their full potential. Lastly, new solutions must be created by delivering "specialized services and opportunities that tune into the unique needs, talents, and challenges of life for street children." The CSC put out these four steps in 2017 and modeled them after United Nations General Comment No. 21, which also was published that year.
How to Observe International Day for Street Children
Some ways you can observe the day include:
- Use the hashtag #StreetChildrenDay to spread the word about the day. The Consortium for Street Children has provided social media materials that can be downloaded and used with your online posts.
- Support the day by donating to or fundraising for the Consortium for Street Children.
- Contact your government representatives and let them know about the importance of equality for street children.