Give Up Your Shoulds Day
annually on November 1st (since 2008)
Founded by
Damon L. Jacobs in 2008
Self-improvement & Self-care
Weird & Obscure
Give Up Your Shoulds Day is a day to give up thinking about something you "should" do. So often we spend so much time thinking about the things we "should" do—things such as exercising, eating healthier, making more money, being more organized—that we become overly stressed, and feel guilty and sad. We will feel better if we give up thinking about at least one thing we "should" do. Maybe if we do this today, we can do it on future days as well. The key is to get rid of the thought. For example, if we think we "should" go to the gym, maybe we still will go—or maybe we won't—but the key is to get rid of the thought that is burdening us. No matter if you do something or not, getting rid of the thought in our mind that we should do it will ease our minds. The day was created by Damon L. Jacobs, a licensed therapist and author.
How to Observe Give Up Your Shoulds Day
Celebrate the day by putting out of your mind something that you keep thinking you should do. If you can take one "should" thought out of your mind, maybe you can take out another. This doesn't mean you won't do the things you think you should do, it just means the stress your have built up around those things will dissipate. You could also celebrate the day by reading a book on the topic written by the creator of the day.