Bake Cookies Day
Also known as
All About Bake Cookies Day
annually on December 18th
Food & Drink
Hobbies & Activities
Snacks & Desserts
As the holiday season gets into full swing, family and friends will be gathering together to make memories, exchange gifts, and eat food. Desserts are a favorite this time of year, and one of the most common and versatile is the cookie. Bake Cookies Day gives everyone the opportunity to get their hands dirty in some dough and bake cookies, so they are prepared for their holiday get-togethers.
Sweet and small, cookies are flat or slightly-raised cakes that are eaten as desserts or snacks. The word "cookie," which first appeared in print in 1695, comes from the Dutch word koekje, which translates to "little cake." In fact, cookies became popular in America on account of the Dutch, who brought them to the New World and baked them in their settlements. Not everyone has the same name for them, however. For example, in England they are often referred to as "biscuits," and in Scotland, a "cookie" is a small bun.
There are many different kinds of cookies, most of which are made from dough made with butter, sugar, flour, and eggs. Other ingredients are then added to create various flavors and textures. The most popular cookies are chocolate chip. Also known as Toll House cookies, they were created in the 1930s by Ruth Wakefield, who owned the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts. Other popular kinds of cookies include oatmeal, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, and sugar. Gingerbread is one type of cookie commonly associated with the holiday season.
How to Observe Bake Cookies Day
By spending the day baking cookies, you'll ensure that there are plenty of them in your house for guests to eat this time of year, and you won't have to worry about showing up empty-handed to a party or get-together. The types of cookies you could bake are endless. Some varieties commonly baked this time of year that you could try your hand at including gingerbread and spritz.