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National Independent Beer Run Day

Coming the day before Independence Day, National Independent Beer Run Day celebrates another kind of independence: independent craft beer. It "calls on beer lovers to seek the independent craft brewer seal and purchase craft beers produced by small and independent breweries for their Independence Day festivities." According to Julia Herz, the craft beer program director of the Brewers Association, the organization that founded the day, "Our libations and the liberation we're celebrating should go hand in hand. As you plan for this Fourth of July, think independent and drink independent."

The Brewers Association is a "not-for-profit trade association dedicated to small and independent American brewers, their beers and the community of brewing enthusiasts." Not only is it behind National Independent Beer Run Day, but it also is behind Small Brewery Sunday and American Craft Beer Week. For the first National Independent Beer Run Day, the association produced videos, audio spots, and "summer-themed sponsored playlists." They also attempted the longest cheers ever, where they toasted all 7,300 small and independent craft breweries in the United States.

How to Observe National Independent Beer Run Day

Go on a beer run to a small and independent craft brewery! Use the Brewery Finder on to find an independent craft brewery, brewpub, or taproom, and check for the independent craft brewer seal on the beers you are buying. Post about your beer run on social media and use the hashtags #SeekTheSeal and #BeerRunDay.

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