National Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day
Also known as
National Slap Your Annoying Co-Worker Day
National Slap Your Co-Worker Day
annually on October 23rd
Fun & Games
Weird & Obscure
Work & Career
Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day is the day each year when those who have an irritating coworker don't have to hold back, and have an excuse to slap the person they just can't stand. The creators of the day seem to imply that it is perfectly acceptable to really get into the day, but we think maybe the day should be taken a little tongue-in-cheek. In what ways may a co-worker be irritating? Well, maybe they talk nonstop. Maybe they constantly mess things up and create more work for other people. Maybe they are a constant suck up to the boss. Maybe they are so unpleasant no one can stand being in the same room with them. Whatever it is that makes them irritating, they better watch out, because today they are going to get slapped.
How to Observe National Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day
Celebrate the day by slapping your irritating co-workers. But wait just one minute, even slapping has rules!
- Only one person can be slapped per hour.
- If you slap someone and they do something irritating again, you can slap them again.
- The irritating person can be held down while other co-workers slap them.
- If you are questioned by your supervisor or others, it is acceptable to lie.