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International Being You Day

International Being You Day, created by Dr. Dain Heer, explores what "being you" means, by helping people to discover their beauty and unique capabilities—beyond society's demand for perfection—while also celebrating everyone's differences. The day's mission is "to empower all of us to know that our dreams of what is possible are way more valuable than fitting in," "to invite everyone to embrace their unique capacities and get away from comparison and judgment as deciding factors for happiness", and "to inspire all of us to use lightness, joy, and laughter as their guide to who they can choose to be, instead of all the should-and-should-nots of our age, race, cultures, and families."

Dr. Dain Heer was once in a low place. He was overwhelmed and exhausted from judging himself and trying to fit in and came to the point of contemplating suicide. Once he decided to live, he chose to dedicate his life to leading others out of judgment and to appreciate themselves. In 2011 he published Being You, Changing the World. It was used to start a series of seminars and workshops. Eventually, a "Being You" movement emerged, and in 2021 Heer created International Being You Day.

How to Observe International Being You Day

Explore the day's official webpage for this year's schedule and for hours of live coverage. There is also a Being You App available for download, and free resources about "Being You." The organizers of the day suggest using the day to "give yourself a judgment break"—a day when you don't judge yourself for anything. They further suggest creating a "How To Be More Of Me-My Go-To List"—a list that gives you a sense of joy and ease and makes you relax into yourself—doing something you've always wanted to do but never dared to do, and making a video or writing a post about something that is unique to you, using the hashtag #BeingYouDay with it.

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