Innergize Day
the day after the start of Fall
September 23rd, 2023 11:49 PM
September 23rd, 2024 5:43 AM
September 23rd, 2025 11:19 AM
September 23rd, 2026 5:04 PM
September 23rd, 2027 11:00 PM
Founded by
Fun & Games
Self-improvement & Self-care
Innergize Day is for all those who say, "I don't have time to do the personal things I want to do for myself." On the day, people set aside time for themselves to do whatever they want. Michelle Porchia of Inner Dimensions, LLC created it as a day to "relax, reflect, and rejuvenate." It was her goal to progress from having this one day a year of "self-celebration" to having one day per month dedicated to it, to one day per week, to one hour per day. According to Inner Dimensions, the day after the Autumnal Equinox was chosen for its observance "because we need to do what the Earth does: experience a time of hibernation to prepare for renewal."
How to Observe Innergize Day
Today is for you! Do some of the things you've been putting off that you've wanted to get to. But don't wear yourself out doing them! Innergize Day is to be a time of rest and relaxation so that the body can be rejuvenated. Whatever you do today should take your mind off whatever grinding work you've been doing. By resting today, you will better be able to tackle the problems of tomorrow!