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National Good Samaritan Day

National Good Samaritan Day reminds us to help those in need by showing kindness and compassion. Whether a small act that seems inconsequential or something big that means life or death, selfless acts of compassion help make the world a better place and strengthen human bonds. The term "Good Samaritan" comes from the Parable of the Good Samaritan, a parable told by Jesus in Luke Chapter 10. In this parable, a Jewish traveler is left for dead on the side of the road and is twice passed by. He is finally helped by a Samaritan, someone with different beliefs from Jews that normally wouldn't interact with him. The Samaritan saw the wounded traveler's humanity and showed mercy by stopping to help. Today, anyone who stops to selflessly help others for whatever reason is seen as being a Good Samaritan. Good Samaritan Day takes place on March 13 in honor of Catherine "Kitty" Genovese, who was stabbed to death in 1964 on that date. It is believed that her neighbors could have done more to help her after she was attacked, and if one of them would have acted as a Good Samaritan, Catherine most likely would have survived.

How to Observe National Good Samaritan Day

Celebrate the day by acting as a Good Samaritan. Do something for someone else. Volunteer your time. Help a stranger, elderly person, someone who is hurting mentally, or someone who is in danger like Catherine Genovese was. Help someone you normally wouldn't come into contact with, or who may seem different from you in many ways. Acts of kindness may have a ripple effect that helps to better the whole world.

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