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Don't Make Your Bed Day

Don't Make Your Bed Day came about after a petition to Congress by a fifth grader in 2014 was turned into a day by a few holiday websites. Shannon Barba of Tijeras, New Mexico, wrote in the petition that they had made their bed every day since they were four so that their parents would be proud of them. Shannon was getting sick of doing it, and figured adults were sick of it too. Since December 21 is the shortest day of the year, Shannon believed that people spent the least amount of time out of bed on the day, making it a fitting day to not make a bed. Shannon called for a "National Don't Make Your Bed Day," but it seems the word "National" was dropped by those who have promoted the day since the petition was started.

How to Observe Don't Make Your Bed Day

Celebrate the day by not making your bed! Help out Shannon's cause by signing the petition to Congress as well.

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