Put on Your Own Shoes Day
Have you ever been about to leave a party or family gathering and struggled to put on your shoes, only to find that you were actually trying to put on the shoes of someone else? Put on Your Own Shoes Day will help you make sure you'll never do that again! Although, it's unknown what exactly Put on Your Own Shoes Day is about. It may be for making sure people are putting on their own shoes and not the shoes of their family members or friends, but it may also be a day dedicated to helping young children learn how to put on their shoes, so they won't need the help of an adult in the future. Either way, people put on shoes meant for their own feet today! It's unknown when the day got started, but it has been around at least since 2005.
How to Observe Put on Your Own Shoes Day
A few ways to celebrate include:
- Be extra careful to make sure that whatever shoes you are putting on today are your own.
- Teach a small child how to put on their shoes.
- Learn more about shoes by reading a book like Shoes: A History from Sandals to Sneakers or Shoes: An Illustrated History.