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National Intern Day

National Intern Day recognizes and celebrates interns, the leaders of tomorrow. It was created by WayUP, a company that connects college students and recent graduates to employers, "to help bring attention to the challenges and inequalities that entry-level candidates face in the workforce," and to show companies how investing in internship programs could also be a way to invest in their company for the future. National Intern Day helps employers commemorate their class of interns each year, and it showcases employers that go above and beyond for their interns, by coordinating the WayUp Top 100 Internship Programs List.

How to Observe National Intern Day

If you are part of a company that has interns, celebrate them today. Schedule activities like team-building events and group lunches. Collaborate with intern managers to develop intern appreciation programs that include items like internal awards for top interns, the celebration of interns on social media, the sending of emails of appreciation, and the giving of gift cards. Companies can also spread the word about their interns and the day by posting on social media with the hashtag #NationalInternDay. As a company or intern, nominate or vote for your company or employer to be part of the Top 100 Internship Programs List. If you are an intern, you could nominate yourself for the Top 100 Intern List. If you would like to be an intern, you could sign up and search for an internship through WayUp.

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