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International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day

Author Jo Walton declared International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day in response to author and Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America vice president Howard V. Hendrix, who wrote he was "opposed to the increasing presence in our organization of webscabs, who post their creations on the net for free." He said that the proliferation of such writing "is converting the noble calling of Writer into the life of Pixel-stained Technopeasant Wretch."

Upon its creation, Walton said of the day:

On this day, everyone who wants to should give away professional quality work online. It doesn't matter if it's a novel, a story, or a poem, it doesn't matter if it's already been published or if it hasn't, the point is it should be disseminated online to celebrate our technopeasanthood.

During the first celebration, professional authors heeded the call by sharing their works. While the holiday hasn't garnered the same level of attention since, it has lived on the internet, just like the works the authors shared.

How to Observe International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day

Celebrate the day by sharing professional-level writing work online. It could be a poem or book or anything else you've created, and it doesn't matter if it was previously published. The day could also be spent reading works that are accessible online for free, and you could even check out some writings that were put online specifically for the day.

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