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Image for Brothers' and Sisters' Day

Brothers' and Sisters' Day

Also known as

  • Brother and Sister Day


  • the last Saturday in March (since 2005)



  • Family & Friends

  • Love & Affection



Brothers' and Sisters' Day was created to celebrate the bond between brothers and sisters, a bond that is unique to only them. It is a day to strengthen stable relationships or fix broken ones—a day for connecting and reconnecting. The day was created to be non-commercial in nature; the heart is to be involved, not money. The idea for the day came from a woman who realized she never fully let her brother know how she felt about him until after he died.

How to Observe Brothers' and Sisters' Day

Celebrate the day by calling, meeting up with, or sending a letter to your brothers and sisters. Let them know what they mean to you or do something to help them out. Maybe you are already in close contact with your siblings, but perhaps this day can be used to reconnect with a brother or sister you haven't been in contact with for a long time. Step and half-siblings should be a part of the day too! If you don't have a brother or sister, reach out to someone who you have been close to that almost feels like a sibling to you.

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