Top Gun Day
annually on May 13th (since 2009)
Founded by
Film & Television
Military & Patriotic
I feel the need...the need for a holiday about Top Gun. Thankfully, today is Top Gun Day! The action drama, directed by Tony Scott, was inspired by "Top Guns," an article published in California magazine in 1983. It stars Tom Cruise as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a young naval aviator, as well as Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, and Tom Skerritt. It was released in New York City on May 12, 1986, and released nationwide four days later. The creator of Top Gun Day had intended to have it celebrated on the anniversary of the film's release, but due to an error in graphics it landed on May 13, and they decided to keep it on the date in subsequent years.
Upon its release, Top Gun received mixed reviews from critics. But its effects, aerial stunts, and action sequences were lauded, as was the acting of Cruise and McGillis. It was the general public that gave it the largest amount of love, and it became a huge commercial success. Its popularity has continued since its release. It was selected to be part of the Library of Congress's National Film Registry in 2015. A sequel, Top Gun: Maverick, was released in 2021. Today we celebrate Top Gun for the thrills it continues to provide!
How to Observe Top Gun Day
Some ways you could observe the day include:
- Watch Top Gun.
- Watch Top Gun: Maverick.
- Read "Top Guns," the magazine article that inspired the creation of Top Gun.
- Wear aviator sunglasses.
- Quote the movie as much as possible.
- Play volleyball…in jeans.
- Update your social media profile photo to something related to Top Gun.
- Follow Top Gun Day on Facebook and Twitter.