National Grain-Free Day
annually on February 21st (since 2019)
Founded by
Siete Family Foods on February 18th, 2019
Food & Drink
Health & Wellness
National Grain-Free Day "inspires families and friends to gather and enjoy each others' company over grain-free meals." It recognizes the difficulties of a restricted diet: some people can't have grains like rice, wheat, or corn because of an allergy or an autoimmune disease, such as celiac disease, and find themselves stuck eating next to nothing at gatherings where food is offered. Even worse, they not only miss out on food, but on a sense of togetherness that meals provide. On National Grain-Free Day, those who don't have dietary limitations give up grains for the whole day in solidarity with those who do have limitations and join them in eating grain-free meals. National Grain-Free Day was created in 2019 by Siete Family Foods "to support those whose dietary restrictions require them to eat grain-free," with the hope that by raising awareness, those with dietary restrictions would be inspired to eat around the table with others again, still adhering to their grain-free diet.
How to Observe National Grain-Free Day
Gather together with friends and family to enjoy grain-free meals. Why not cook the meals together, too? Experiment and find ways to eat your favorite foods grain-free, try a grain-free recipe you've never had and exchange grain-free recipes with those you are cooking and eating with. Share how you are celebrating on social media along with the hashtag #NationalGrainFreeDay.