National Stay at Home Because You're Well Day
annually on November 30th
Founded by
Health & Wellness
Self-improvement & Self-care
Work & Career
Today is dedicated to calling into work and telling them you are staying home even though you are well. The day is an excuse to just relax and get things done around the house. This is a pretty risky holiday to celebrate, so most people use caution. It was created by Ruth and Thomas Roy of Wellcat Holidays.
How to Observe National Stay at Home Because You're Well Day
Maybe you spent yesterday telling customers that they were wrong. Why not spend the next day not going in to work at all? Celebrate by calling your work and telling them that you aren't coming in. Tell them that you aren't even sick, but that it is National Stay at Home Because You're Well Day, and that it is a holiday you observe, and you are feeling well. This is another holiday you have to celebrate at your own risk. Since you are well, don't spend the day sleeping or watching television. Do something productive! Do yoga, clean and organize, cook, read, or maybe plan how you are going to quit your job, or how you are going to find a new one after they don't want you back tomorrow. There are so many things you could do, you are well.