Holidays for Tuesday, October 24th, 1995
Multi-day Events Starting on Tuesday, October 24th, 1995
- Disarmament WeekObserved annually for 7 days starting on October 24th
Multi-day Events Continuing on Tuesday, October 24th, 1995
- "Cut Out Dissection" MonthObserved the month of October
- Adopt-A-Dog MonthObserved the month of October
- AIDS Awareness MonthObserved the month of December and the month of October
- Antidepressant Death Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Bat Appreciation MonthObserved the month of October
- Black Cat Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Blindness Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Breast Cancer Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Caffeine Addiction Recovery MonthObserved the month of October
- Celebrate Sun Dried Tomatoes MonthObserved the month of October
- Child Health MonthObserved the month of October
- Church Library MonthObserved the month of October
- Church Safety and Security MonthObserved the month of October
- Class Reunion MonthObserved the month of October
- Co-op MonthObserved the month of October
- Computer Learning MonthObserved the month of October
- Country Music MonthObserved the month of October
- Crime Prevention MonthObserved the month of October
- Eat Better, Eat Together MonthObserved the month of October
- Eat Country Ham MonthObserved the month of October
- Emotional Wellness MonthObserved the month of October
- Employee Ownership MonthObserved the month of October
- Energy Management is a Family Affair - Improve Your Home MonthObserved the month of October
- Eye Injury Prevention MonthObserved the month of October
- Fall Car Care MonthObserved the month of October
- Financial Planning MonthObserved the month of October
- German-American Heritage MonthObserved the month of October
- Global Diversity Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Go Nuts over Texas Peanuts MonthObserved the month of October
- Gourmet Adventures MonthObserved the month of October
- Halloween Safety MonthObserved the month of October
- Head Start Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Healthy Lung MonthObserved the month of October
- Home Eye Safety MonthObserved the month of October
- International Starman MonthObserved the month of October
- International Strategic Planning MonthObserved the month of October
- Italian-American Heritage MonthObserved the month of October
- LGBT History MonthObserved the month of October
- Lupus Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Lupus Awareness Month (UK)Observed the month of October
- Month of FreethoughtObserved the month of October
- National "Gain the Inside Advantage" MonthObserved the month of October
- National Animal Safety and Protection MonthObserved the month of October
- National Applejack MonthObserved the month of October
- National Arts and Humanities MonthObserved the month of October
- National Bake and Decorate MonthObserved the month of October
- National Book MonthObserved the month of October
- National Caramel MonthObserved the month of October
- National Celiac Disease Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Chili MonthObserved the month of October
- National Cookbook MonthObserved the month of October
- National Cookie MonthObserved the month of October
- National Critical Illness Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Dental Hygiene MonthObserved the month of October
- National Depression Education and Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Dessert MonthObserved the month of October
- National Disability Employment Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Domestic Violence Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Down Syndrome Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Energy Action MonthObserved the month of October
- National Family Sexuality Education MonthObserved the month of October
- National Go on a Field Trip MonthObserved the month of October
- National Kitchen & Bath MonthObserved the month of October
- National Liver Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Medical Librarians MonthObserved the month of October
- National Orthodontic Health MonthObserved the month of October
- National Pasta MonthObserved the month of October
- National Pet Wellness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Physical Therapy MonthObserved the month of October
- National Pickled Peppers MonthObserved the month of October
- National Pizza MonthObserved the month of October
- National Popcorn Poppin' MonthObserved the month of October
- National Pork MonthObserved the month of October
- National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Pretzel MonthObserved the month of October
- National Roller Skating MonthObserved the month of October
- National RSV Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Sarcastic Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Sausage MonthObserved the month of October
- National Seafood MonthObserved the month of October
- National Sensory Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Spina Bifida Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Squirrel Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- National Stamp Collecting MonthObserved the month of October
- National Toilet Tank Repair MonthObserved the month of October
- Organize Your Medical Information MonthObserved the month of October
- Pastor Appreciation MonthObserved the month of October
- Pear & Pineapple MonthObserved the month of October
- Photographer Appreciation MonthObserved the month of October
- Polish American Heritage MonthObserved the month of October
- Positive Attitude MonthObserved the month of October
- Raptor MonthObserved the month of October
- Rett Syndrome Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Rhizomes and Persimmons MonthObserved the month of October
- Rhubarb MonthObserved the month of October
- Right Brainers Rule! MonthObserved the month of October
- Self-Promotion MonthObserved the month of October
- Spinach Lovers MonthObserved the month of October
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- Talk About Your Medicines MonthObserved the month of October
- Workplace Politics Awareness MonthObserved the month of October
- World Menopause MonthObserved the month of October
- National Vegetarian Awareness MonthObserved annually for 32 days starting on October 1st
- United Nations Year for ToleranceObserved the year 1995
- Decade to Combat Racism and Racial DiscriminationObserved December 10th, 1993 through December 9th, 2003
- Disarmament DecadeObserved January 1st, 1990 through December 31st, 1999
- International Decade for Natural Disaster ReductionObserved January 1st, 1990 through December 31st, 1999
- International Decade for the Eradication of ColonialismObserved January 1st, 1990 through December 31st, 2000
- International Decade of the World's Indigenous PeopleObserved December 10th, 1994 through December 31st, 2004
- United Nations Decade of International LawObserved January 1st, 1990 through December 31st, 1999
- Decade for Human Rights EducationObserved January 1st, 1995 through December 31st, 2004
- Industrial Development Decade for AfricaObserved January 1st, 1991 through December 31st, 2000
- United Nations Decade Against Drug AbuseObserved January 1st, 1991 through December 31st, 2000
- United Nations Development DecadeObserved January 1st, 1991 through December 31st, 2000
- United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in AfricaObserved January 1st, 1991 through December 31st, 2000
- World Decade for Cultural DevelopmentObserved January 1st, 1988 through December 31st, 1997