Plush Animal Lover's Day
Plush Animal Lover's Day celebrates all plush animals. Plush is a fabric made from materials such as silk, cotton, polyester and wool, that raises to a thickness of at least an eighth of an inch. The terms plush animals or stuffed animals are often used interchangeably, as many plush toys are also stuffed. The origin of the day is not known, but it may have been created in reaction to Teddy Bear Picnic Day, to include more animals besides just teddy bears. The first large scale creation of stuffed toys was done by the German Steiff company in 1880. One of the first plush animals in the United States was the Ithica Kitty, which debuted in 1892. The teddy bear debuted about a decade later, in 1903. That same year a stuffed Peter Rabbit was patented. Another early stuffed animal was the sock monkey, which became popular during the Great Depression.
How to Observe Plush Animal Lover's Day
The day should be celebrated by appreciating your plush animals. Take them out of storage and bring them wherever you go for the day! If you don't have a plush animal, there are many companies you could get one from. Plush animals can be custom made, and it is even possible to get a plush version of your real life pet. You could also go to Build-A-Bear, where it is possible to create many more animals besides just bears.