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National Virtual Vacation Day

National Virtual Vacation Day reminds people that they don't have to wait until some time in the distant future—when they have more money or are retired—to go on their dream vacations. On National Virtual Vacation Day, they don't need to take off work, don't need to spend money, and don't need to pack. With their imagination and a bit of technology, they can travel all over the world.

Virtual reality headsets can help simulate the ultimate virtual experience, but virtual reality apps, as well as online virtual tours and webcams, can assist people in taking their dream vacations as well. From the comfort of their home, they can gaze on the pyramids of Giza, explore the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, walk through the Amazon Rainforest, hike in the Andes Mountains, and safari in Africa. Virtual vacations will provide enjoyment, but they may also help people to decide if they wish to explore places in person.

How to Observe National Virtual Vacation Day

Some ways to celebrate the day include:

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