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Farmworker Appreciation Day

Farmworker Appreciation Day raises awareness and shows appreciation for seasonal agricultural workers who labor to bring food from fields to tables. Many are migrant farmworkers who travel back to their home country after the season's work is completed. The support they provide to local farmers is integral to the economy and the food supply chain. Their job can be dangerous: they may be exposed to the blistering sun for long periods of time, or be exposed to pesticides and fertilizers. Many spend their time in fields and on farms, while some work in food processing or meat packing facilities.

Farmworker Appreciation Day is often celebrated with picnics, music, food, games, and exhibits. Resources are often made available for farmworkers at them, and items are gathered for the workers too. Some states and municipalities have designated Farmworker Appreciation Day, while some celebrations have been put together by organizations such as United Migrant Opportunity Services (UMOS). A number of localities observe the day on a different date of the year than August 6.

How to Observe Farmworker Appreciation Day

See if there is a Farmworker Appreciation Day celebration taking place in your community that you can attend. If there isn't one, you could organize one, for this year or next. You could show appreciation for farmworkers by bringing them supplies like food, water, and clothing. Bring the supplies to a Farmworker Appreciation Day celebration, or bring them to a farmworker while they're at work. Some other ways you could mark the day are by reading a book about farmworkers or watching a documentary about farmworkers such as Harvest of Shame, The Harvest, or Fruits of Labor.

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