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No Homework Day

No Homework Day is as self-explanatory as it sounds. It is a day when students—whether they are in elementary school, middle school, high school, or college—are not to be given any homework for the day. The holiday takes place twice during the school year, both times in Spring. It first takes place on the last Friday in March. It is unknown who placed the holiday at this time. The second time it takes place is on May 6. The holiday on that date was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, who said, "Give 'em a break, teachers! These young folks are working harder than Mom 'n' Dad."

How to Observe No Homework Day

If you are a student, the first thing you should do is let your teachers know that today is No Homework Day. Once you convince them that this an important holiday, you should have lots of extra free time tonight. The next question you must ask yourself is, "What will I do with all this extra time?" Will you go out and exercise or explore nature? Will you go to a movie, or perhaps just sit around and watch television? How about taking out your guitar or another instrument you play? If you are an adult with children who usually have homework, you can rest easy knowing that you won't have to spend the day trying to motivate your children to do their work.

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