National Creamsicle Day
In 1905, eleven-year-old Frank Epperson encased vanilla ice cream inside of frozen fruit juice and called it an Epsicle. His creation is similar to what we now call a Creamsicle, the cool treat which we celebrate today. The Creamsicle has a flat bar shape with rounded ends, vanilla cream at its center, and a fruity ice covering. Because of its two main components, it is sometimes known as a 50-50 bar. The classic flavor is orange, but it comes in a variety of flavors, including raspberry, lime, cherry, grape, and blueberry. It is also available in healthier options, such as low-fat, low-calorie, or sugar-free.
How to Observe National Creamsicle Day
Celebrate the day by eating Creamsicles! Try the classic orange or one of the other flavors. You could also make some Creamsicles or various other Creamsicle inspired foods.