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Celebrate Your Elected Officials Day

City council members, mayors, governors, members of state legislatures, senators and representatives in the United States Congress, and the President of the United States all are government officials who come to power by being elected. Some are liked more than others, but all have a role to play in helping to make sure that government and society function. On Celebrate Your Elected Officials Day, we show them an appreciation for their public service.

How to Observe Celebrate Your Elected Officials Day

Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate the day:

  • Learn who all your elected officials are.
  • Write a letter to one or more of your elected officials thanking them for their service.
  • Post on social media about one of your favorite elected officials. Perhaps you could list some of the reasons why you think they are an exemplary elected official.
  • Read a book about one of your favorite elected officials. Maybe there is a president or senator throughout history who you would like to learn more about.
  • Register to vote.

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