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child_friendly National Wear a Jockstrap to Work Day

A jockstrap—which is also known as a strap, cup, jock, supporter, or athletic supporter—is worn to work today. It is an undergarment to support male genitalia that is commonly worn while playing contact sports or while cycling. It is also worn by those recovering from surgery or from an injury such as groin hernia. Additionally, it is worn by men as lingerie, especially by gay and bisexual men. It consists of a waistband that is usually elastic, a support pouch for genitalia, and two elastic straps. Sometimes the pocket has a pouch to hold a protective cup.

The name "jockstrap" dates back to 1891, coming from "jockey strap." The name came about because the garment was first worn by bike jockeys who made deliveries by bicycle. A jockey is a rider—the name comes from "Jock," which was a Scots name for John, which meant man or boy. The strap itself dates to 1874 when it was invented by C.F. Bennett of Sharp & Smith sporting goods company in Chicago. It was designed to give protective comfort to jockeys who rode on cobblestone streets in Boston. In 1897, Bennett patented the Bike Jockey Strap at his recently started Bike Webb Company. The company was purchased by Russell Athletic in 2016.

Today, there are various types of jockstraps. For example, the jock brief, also known as the support brief, has a wide waistband and a full seat. A dance belt has a thong-style strap. The jock sock or slingshot is strapless and has only a waistband, and a pouch to hold the genitalia. The female equivalent of a jockstrap is a pelvic protector, which is sometimes called a "jill" or "jillstrap."

How to Observe National Wear a Jockstrap to Work Day

Celebrate the day by wearing a jockstrap to work! As jockstraps are often associated with gay men, some have also used the day as a fundraiser for gay and lesbian charities.

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