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Mitch Lane Day

In the cubing (solvers of Rubik's cubes) community, someone by the name of Mitchell (Mitch) Lane has been making YouTube videos for some time. He was made famous after achieving a personal best (PB) of 6.25 seconds and then yelling "Mom, I got a PB! Moooom!" This went viral within the cubing community, with people creating memes and t-shirts. The cubing community also unofficially named June 25th (6/25) as "Mitch Lane Day" in memory of his 6.25 PB.

How to Observe Mitch Lane Day

Many people in the cubing community make challenge videos on this day, which typically document them trying to achieve some goal that they define, involving a Rubik's cube. Today, the best goals somehow incorporate the number 6.25. Some good challenge ideas may include trying to solve a Rubik's cube in 6.25 seconds. Since this is an extremely difficult task, a better goal may be to simply beat your personal best. If you don't have that much time to celebrate, you could try to solve one in under 6:25 or simply solve one when the clock strikes 6:25. If you do not know how to solve a Rubik's cube (like most people), a challenge for you could be to start learning how! If you don't own a Rubik's cube, you could borrow one from a friend or buy one.

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