National Kimberly Day
Also known as
Kimberly Day
annually on October 11th
Are you named Kimberly? Do you know someone with the name? It's a special day for anyone with the name! "Kimberly" started out as a name for males, but now it is usually given to females. In the United States, more than 99% of babies given the name are female. The name was at its height in the United States in the 1960s. As a percentage of total baby names, it reached its peak in 1965, when 28,832 babies were given the name. There are a number of variations and shortenings of the name, some of which include Kimberlie, Kimberley, Kimberlee, Kim, Kimmie, and Kimmy.
It is unknown exactly where the name "Kimberly" came from, but there are a few theories. It may stem from "Kyneburgha." The Old English meaning for "Kynburgh" is "royal fortress," and an "ly" ending means "meadow or field." Together it can be translated to "royal fortress meadow." Indeed, there even is a St. Kyneburgha church in England that has a nearby field. During medieval times, there were local heroines in two parts of England that were named St. Kyneburgha, one being an abbess and the other being a princess. Versions of the name Kynbergh were popular in England for centuries following their time.
A spelling that more closely resembles the name of today may have stemmed from Lord Kimberley. This could help explain why it started out as a male name. His name spread to cities and even to precious rocks. A city in Northern Cape, South Africa, was given the name, and kimberlite, a type of peridotite rock that contains diamonds that was mined there, also took its name from him.
How to Observe National Kimberly Day
Celebrate all the Kimberlys in your life today! Wish any friends or family members with the name a "Happy Kimberly Day." Perhaps you could get them a gift or do something special for them. If your name is Kimberly, then today is for you! You could also spend the day trying to name as many famous Kimberlys as you can.